Leancamp Posts

The History Of Lean Startup

Lean Startup is full of competing thought-leaders and consultants, so I wrote this post to help you make sense of it all.

First, seek to understand.

Whether it’s negotiation, mediation or even international politics, we know it’s important to first seek to understand the other side. When launching a busin...

How investors gauge your opportunity - beyond your business model.

I ran an experiment to challenge if the Business Model Canvas actually enables founders to communicate their business models more succinctly. At Leancamp Dub...

The future of Lean Startup - 9 areas I'm watching for faster market traction

Lean Startup’s great strength is that it evolves – it shows its practitioners what really works and what doesn’t. This makes Leancamp work - Leancamp creates...

How we get a Leancamp started. Runway, Affordable Loss and MVPs in the event business.

As part of our support program for up-and-coming Leancamp organisers, we’ll be sharing our lessons learned from past events. Leancamp, like most startups and...

For us, by us. Lessons learned from validating the Leancamp model.

Since the first Leancamp, it’s been clear it built community.  The problem has been that it is more expensive than a Barcamp, so the sponsorship model has be...

Investing in community

Community pays off in a structured ways, if you know how to invest and what can be gained.

Where your sphere of control meets your potential

If you’ve ever pitched an investor, you know they love trends and growth markets. The cliched question, “is this a billion dollar business?” has merit.You wa...

A Leancamp including Architecture, Fashion and Science? Leancamp Barcelona Mission

[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”367” caption=”SaintSal in Barcelona - Homage to Desigual!”] UPDATE: The Leancamp Barcelona waiting list has opened...

Intro to Kanban

Chris Parsons (@chrismdp) at the Agile UX Retreat in London, giving us an overview of Kanban from an Agile perspective. </param></param></par...

Industry Models: Design Secrets From The Fashion Business

As New Media matures, where will you stand? There are strong, underlying parallels between New Media and Fashion. Leading designers make decisions that trick...